When your hearing these problems, I assume you are putting your ear to the speaker. Borrow another phono pre amp and give it a whirl. When you are diagnosing these noises (As soon as the amp comes to life, a light buzz is evident and when the TT motor starts up, a light hum begins.) Where do you hear them from?Equipment also has quiescent noise, which can be the noise the components make in the circuit.You have had problems with the Vincent before. The only noise on the MC setting is a very light 'white noise'. Post edit: Another thing I just remembered is that the 'buzz' is only evident when on the MM setting on my phono amp.on MC it is absent. I really only hear them because my amp is usually (.always ) set to LOUD! At 'normal/average' listening levels, they'd be hard to pick up. On all other sources (digital), the amp is dead silent. As soon as the amp comes to life, a light buzz is evident and when the TT motor starts up, a light hum begins. It's very satisfying when you are able to diagnose - and then fix - a problem. In my case I had the same level of noise if the power was plugged into the back of the turntable or not - so it had nothing to do with my power plug wart or electrical noise on the circuit. I also noticed on the back of my turntable that there are two little washers for the grounding wire to slot in between, I likely had not been slotting the ground wire in between these two washers - I can now crank my amp up super loud with no music playing and YAAAAAAS no buzzing sound. Turns out it was a really simply fix - I separated out the RCA Left and Right from the ground wire, ran them entirely separately, tightened everything up and made sure it was tight on the back of the turntable and the amp and it was magically gone. I read countless articles and various fixes on youtube and it drove me mad for many weeks.

I finally fixed my grounding 'issue' (not a loop) yesterday with my Project Classic turntable.